My Last Holiday

Huy guyss. 
Today i will start to tell you about my holiday.

 May be around three weeks ago i got my holiday after i pass the final examination in my school.
We got two weeks for our holiday. Some of my classmate spend they holiday to go Umroh, go to     foreign country, but that's my classmate so it's different with me.                                                       
I almost spend my holiday just around my home. I mostly spend my time to help my mother to 
cleaned my house. But sometimes my parents invited me to picnic. Then they have been invited me to go to Cirata. Actually Cirata is one of a dam in Jawa Barat, Indonesia, beside Jati Luhur dam.      
But we not go to Cirata just for seeing the dam. We go there because there, we have our favourite   
restaurant. If i'm not mistaken the name of the restaurant is "Restaurant Midun". And our favourite food in that place is the sate maranggi it is very very delicious. I recomended it to all of you guys...

And there are many places that i have visited with my parents that i not sure to write it here. But
taht's one thing that is yaa unforgetable for me. It was in 31th December yaa and i just stay at my  
grandma's house. That day i little bit feel boring cause i just playing my phone. And my aunty       
called my mother and invited me to go with them to go to Sumedang to my aunty's family. At the 
first i don't want to go till my aunty come to my grandma's house to persuade me to go with them  
to Sumedang. Yeahh and she succed do it and i decided to prepare my self to go to Sumedang.       

We go to Sumedang at 11.30 am and gratefully the road was not full. We arrived in Sumedang at
14.00 pm. We visited my aunty's house and we did midday pray first then we continue our journey   
to cipanas may be around 17.00 pm we go back from cipanas. At the way we go back to my aunty's
house we bought tahu sumedang and hui cilembu. Before we go back to Cimahi we did afternoon   
pray first then we start go back to Cimahi at 18.30 pm. We arrived at Cimahi at 21.00 pm.               

That's my story about my holiday. How about your's??
See guys in my next post..



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