Try to Introduce My Self

          Hai guys, today i will try to introduce my self to all of you. My name is Meisya Nur'alfiani Eka Putri, you can call me Meisya/Esa. I'm 15 years old. I was born in 2 Mei 2002 in Cimahi Indonesia. Now i'm study in 3 Senior High School. Just information that i am not realy good in english, so i'm sorry if that many mistake in this text. I dont have any brother or sister. I like almost of food especially indonesian food, sometimes i like to eat like ramen, sushi, pizza. But my favourite food is bakso. Bakso is the most favourite food for many people. Because it's very very delicious.
          I like some sport like swimming, badminton, and karate. But sport that i still do until now is karate. I was joined karate since i'm in 4th grade in elementary school, and now i have already in blackbelt. I want to tell you little my experience when i was did some exam to get my blackbelt.
          I'm was in 9th grade 1st semester when i do that test. We are karateka from Jabar (especially from Jakarta, Bandung, and Cimahi ) go to Pulau Tidung in Jakarta it's in Ancol area i think. In that momment Sihan Uchida from Japan come here, just for look the test. It was something special because not every test Sihan from Japan will come. There i meet many  senior Simpei and Sensei. In teh first day of that test we do the test in the afternoon. It was very hot so we look like we just take a bath. The test is finish around Maghrib. In the afternoon we get ikan bakar but because i'm to tired to eat so i just go sleep.
          In the morning on teh second day we do breakfast, in that breakfest i eat ikan bakar that like ikan bakar i have got last night. When i eat that ikan bakar, i'm feel so regret because that taste is very very delicious. And you know? Last nihgt i give that to my roomate. And she was ask me first before she ate that ikan bakar am i serrious to give that ikan bakar to her, and i just give it to her. And now i'm really really regret because of that.
          Just forgot that story lets go to the next story. After we have a breakfast, we are jogging around that island. That is little bit horror when we runn to place that was many trees there. After we runn around the island we stop and take a rest for a minute in Jembatan Cinta. And we do kihon in Jembatan Cinta that is many people who look and focus to us. We are finish the test in 12a.m. after that we back to our hotel. Because our hotel is nearby the beach so before we in to our hottel the sihan and sensei ask us to do push up in the beach. That is very funny guys. In the afternoon we start leave the island and go back home.
          Hahahaha yah that's my story, thank you for your time to read my story. And i am sorry about my abstrac grammar. Thx guys.. see you in the next post.


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