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The Effect of Online Public Transportation for

     These day online public transportation is something that we usually found anywhere and anytime, especially in a big city such as Bandung and Jakarta. There is an online public transportation in the form of motorbikes and cars. Due to online public transportation there are advantages and disadvantage for the society.
     First, the advantages of online public transportation such as it can minimize time for people to get to their office or school, they also don't need to pay too much money when they use this service if we compared the costs they have to spend when using another public transportation, and many more.
     Beside a lot of advantages that can we get from online public transportation, its also bring some disadvantages for a group of people. Like people who has a job to be public transportation drivers, they certainly think that online public transportation obstruct their job. Even at beginning of the emergence of online public transportation this triggered several clashes between online drivers and public drivers.
    So, from all we have analyzed we can conclude that if online public transportation have the advantages and disadvantage for society. Some of the advantages from online public transportation are it can minimize time for people to get to their destination, we just need to spend lower costs if we used his online public transportation in the form of cars or motorbike. But the disadvantages of online pubilc transportation is make a group of people such as public transportation driver feel that this public service obstruct their job.


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