Scholarship Recommendetion


I am writing a letter on behalf of Annisa Mutiara Priliyan, a student of Senior High School 3 Bandung who is applying for LPDP scholarship program. I have known her since July 2017. I have had the pleasure of supervising her as a counseling teacher at 3 Senior High School.

Annisa Mutiara Priliyan is now an 11th grader student in Senior High School 3 Bandung. She was born  in Jakarta 29th January 2002. She is the oldest child in the family, she has two younger sister. 

She is responsible, honest, discipline, diligent and active student, she also an easy going and a good listener person. No wonder she has a lot of friends. Now she active in student council as the lead of SEKSIE 4 OSIS LXVI, and others extracurricular like KPA 3 (angklung extracurricular) and SPARA (paskibra extracurricular). Although  she has a lot of activities out of class which is takes a lot of her time, she always finish her task on time.

Back to her kindergarden, she entered "Sanggar Tari" where she learn more about traditional dance especially traditional dance form Betawi. And her group has won in several dance competition. In elementary school she won the "Harapan Satu" for 4 math National Olympic.

I know her very well. She is a responsible person no wonder she was trusted to saving important file, be a reminder for people around her and she interested in learning taxation. I believe that she'll give an outstanding contribution in government companies to help the country's progress in the future. I highly recommend of Annisa Mutiara Priliyan.

Meisya Nur'alfiani Eka Putri
The Counceling Teacher  
3 Senior High School



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