Natural Phenomena

Sun Dog

What is sun dog?
   Based on Wikipedia, sun dog are natural phenomena that show bright spots in the sky, often on the halo ring around the sun.
   Sun dogs are created when sunlight penetrates a collection of hexagonal ice crystal plates arranged horizontally in high clouds (cirrus clouds). Refraction in this crystal deflects light with an angle of at least 22 degrees.

Why it call sun dog?
   Because this extra sunlight is like the dogs sitting next to their master, the sun. That's why the parhelion phenomenon is called sun dogs. 
   Sun dogs are the very rare phenomenon. Although the parhelion can be seen anywhere and at any time of the season, it does not always look radiant and brilliant. Parhelion appears clear and bright when the sun looks low. And usually it  can bee seen brigh if there are very cold condition in high clouds around the area. This phenomenon has happened in Kazakhzstan, Mongolia, Russia, America, and Indonesia.
 Is it dangerous for the eyes?
    According to the page, this phenomenon is not dangerous. In fact, it is a good thing for photographers. Moreover, if the phenomenon of sun dogs coincides with parhelic circle, the formation process is the same as the sun dog. The difference is, if the sun dogs penetrate the crystal in a horizontal position, parhelic circle penetrates the crystal which is in a vertical position. 
Sun Dog are optical phenomena that show bright spots in the sky, often on the halo ring around the sun


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