Bakti Desa: Vines Method

On 3rd January 2019, the 11th grader of my school did Bakti Desa in Cibeureum, Kertasari. The purpose of this event is to make students know how to live in the village as well as to provide opportunities for students to share their knowledge and bring the positive open minded for people in that village.

There i got a lot of new valuable experience, live in a house where the walls are still woven, eat the simple food that almost all of the ingredients can we get from our garden, go for farming, teaching child, and many more.

And from my experience live in the village, i see that almost all of the villager earn their living by gardening. So do my foster parents, but because my mother's health not as good as when she is young so she can't go to the garden to help her husband gardening. Then i have an idea of how can she help her husband to get money without going to garden, that is by using space behind the house to be planting with vines. And i think they can plant vines like bitter melon, chayote, cucumber, etc.

Besides the easy way of planting, this method of vines can also be a source of additional income for the villager by utilizing their respective land, and it can also produce fresh air around the house.


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