Edu Passion 2019 And My Plan

On 4th January 2019, my school held an event called Edu Passion. Edu Passion is an event held every year. This event was held to provide opportunities for students to find out about universities in Indonesia and to provide motivation to students to determine where they would continue their education after graduating from SMAN 3 Bandung. Because at this event there are a lot of booths from various universities in Indonesia starting from Bandung to out of town.

There are many ways we can get information about the university, we can ask directly to people in the booth, come to the scheduled university presentation, or just wait your friend to explain what information they already got. And if you tired after walking around the booths you can find some food or drink booths in this event.

Beside the university booth, there is also some an RBL booth or several tutoring places for formal lessons or foreign language tutoring. And the point is that all of these stands are made as a storehouse of knowledge for students. 

And i have some plan for my life, first i want to graduating from SMAN 3 Bandung and pass the SNMPTNor SBMPTN for being part of medical faculty of padjadjaran university, after i finish my study may be i will work for several time in the hospital and if i found my love i'll be married with someone that Alloh give for me and if my husband allow me to continue for work i'll continue work in the hospital and if not maybe i'll just open my own praktek near my house.

If that doesnt happen, i want pass the SBMPTN for being part of civil engineering faculty at Bandung Institute of Technology then same like my first plan, after i finish my study i want to work on big company and make a lot off money. And if Alloh found me with someone that Alloh give for me maybe i'll just married and continue to work as usually, but if my husband didn't allow me to work i will be a smart and good house wife and mother with many business.

The difference between my dreams is only a matter of work, but the main purpose of my life is to be a better person who can be useful to people around me, religion, and the country


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