My Self : Know Me Deeply

     My name is Meisya Nur'alfiani E.P, i was born in Cimahi 2nd May 2002. I am an only child. I'm a kind of person that firm to establishment, if i want something i will try to achieve it. I like to spend my time at house i rarely spend my time to go with my friends. Sometimes i like to draw/ paint/ read some fiction novel. I even had time to receive several painting orders.
     When i was in elementary school, i studied at SDN Cimahi Mandiri 1. Since i was in elementary school, people know me as an active, cheerful, and diligent child. I always ranked in the top six in the class. My parents entered me to swimming extracurricular when i was in the first grade till the third grade. And i'm kind of people that little bit hard to understand something/ to practice something new, but if i've already loved to do something i can do it well. And one of my weakness is i easily to gave up. I've already joined swimming competition and i loose, after that i'm out of that extracurricular. Then my mom entered me to karate extracurricular when i was on 4th grade.I'm very happy to enter this extracurricular, because here we not just learn about how to protect our self but we also learn many things that can't we got from subject in school.
     When i finished final exam in elementary school, i continued to study at SMPN 2 Bandung. When i was in junior high school i really like science, and i entered some extracurricular like the culture and music extracurricular name Barandang Doea and KRM (Keluarga Remaja Muslim). And i've got general champion when i was in eight grade till nine grade in the first semester. And when i was in junior high school, i still joined karate and i've partisipated in some competition. And when i'm in the nine grade i got the black belt, but because i have a lot off activities so i never come to join karate again. And when i finished teh final exam in junior high school, i continued my studied to SMAN 3 Bandung.
     When i was child, if someone ask me what i want to be in the future i will answer that i want to be a doctor, or to be a pilot, or to be a soldier, or to be a police randomly. But over the time, when people ask me the same question i always answer that i want to be a doctor. And after i entered 3 junior high school and in the eleven grade i got gamtek subject, i want to be civil engineering too. And like what i've told you guys in the last post in my blog about my live goals. So after i graduate from high school, i want to continue my study to medical science on Padjadjaran University or i want to enter civil engineering on Bandung Institute of Technology.
     But we just a human who can only plan things, because we actually just do what God has planned for us. So we can only try and pray to God to always be given the best for us.


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